If you like being out in nature, have imagination and enjoy a bit of mischief, we recommend a journey to Ingeland. These excursions that follow the smaller roads and pathways are both for adults and children alike and can be adapted individually.
The excursion(s), if you decide to visit all five places described here below, can be done whenever you like. On the activities page is information about the guided tours to Ingeland. By choosing a guided tour you will enjoy extra stories without having to worry about orienting yourself.
If you decide to do the journey on your own, you can listen to the stories from all the stops on your computer or telephone. You can also download them beforehand so you don’t have to worry about connecting to mobile networks will hiking.
Journeys to Ingeland is a concept that Steninge Coastal Station, together with Alf Hambe, has developed with the hope of giving inspiration both literally and figuratevly.
We invite you to join us for a few stories about a truly beautiful part of Halland. Take the chance to follow with Alf Hambe on a passage through his imagination and experience Ingeland, Molom and Havriket.
You’re welcome to travel with us and Alf.
To get into the right mood we’ll start off with a song by Alf Hambe…
We Recommend
- Walk to the place you have chosen (you can either go to all of the 5 places desribed or you can choose to visit just one or a few places). You can also get an easier map from the reception at Steninge Hostel. There is also a map below as well. Instructions for finding the places is also in the text below.
- Listen to Alf Hambe’s stories for the place you’re at. You can do this by clicking on the links provided below. At the same time, check out the places for yourself to create your own perspective and discuss it with your hiking partners, or reflect on your own.
Here you can listen to an introduction to the hike in Alf Hambe’s Ingeland.
Steninge Beach – Because the borders between home and away aren’t so important.

1. Stora skär and Steninge Beach
The place is Stora Skär (Big Skerry) and Steninge Beach; a stone’s throw from Steninge Coastal Station. Walk over Kustvägen at the crossing and continue down to the beach meadow and Stora Skär will be in front of you. To the right is the boat house which Alf mentions in his story.
Below is Alf’s story about Stora Skär and Steninge Beach.

2. Höjesten

You’ve now arrived at an important place; Höjesten (High Stone). Walk southwards along the beach meadow until you see Göstas Café and turn so you pass Göstas on the right side. Cross Kustvägen and continue uphill on Hulabäcksvägen. After about 300 meters, you’ll pass a mini golf on the left side. Contine up on the same road with the forest to the right. There, in a clearing, is the dancing stone; Höjesten.
Höjesten – the transparent stone with the secret mark – an important and exciting place in the novel Sagan om Ingeland (The Legend of Ingeland).
Below is Alf’s story about Höjesten.
3. Trollstenen

Now you’ve arrived at the next important place; Trollstenen (The Troll Stone). Hike back to Hulabäcksvägen but keep the the right before the mini golf and continue onto Iglasjövägen and turn left on Gråbergsvägen. Ramble along here for about 500 meters and you’ll have Trollstenen on your right side. There is also the beginning of a path through the forest here.
Stora Trollstenen (The Big Troll Stone) and the path through Gröna Dimmans Skog (The Green Fog Forest) starts by the guarding troll’s stone where you’ll meet the Green Count.
Below is Alf’s story about Stora Trollstenen.
4. Kung Inges Hög

You’ve arrived at another important place; Kung Inges Hög (King Inge’s Grave). Follow the path upwards and when it starts to divide, keep to the left. From here, the path is marked with trail tape (if the Green Count hasn’t torn them down, that is..) But you can still find your way if you’re alert. From the place where the path divides, keep left and it is about 440 steps (adult steps) until you can catch sight of King Inge’s Grave to the right. It’s about another 10 steps to the right and you’ll be standing on the highest point on Skeppåsen och you can see out over both Ingeland’s eastern and western areas.
King Inge’s Grave – All of the inspiration for the novel The Legend of Ingeland was born here, between safe and unsafe and home and away. Constantly wayward and homebound.
Below you can listen to Alf’s story about King Inge’s Grave.
5. Molomberget

The next important place you’ll come to is Molomberget (The Molom Mountain). Go back to the same path you arrived on and walk down to the troll stone, back to Gråbergsvägen and take an immediate left onto Nattskärravägen. Continue downward on a steep hill to Steninge Lärkväg where you’ll turn right and walk about 100 meters until you turn right on Klippekullevägen. After a while, you’ll pass Klippekullevägen 15, where Alf lives. Now, to find Molomberget. There is a little path to the left of the property boundary for Klippekullevägen 17 and the path is not marked so pay attention here. Follow the path for about 40 meters and turn to the left and follow the path for about 100 steps; now you’re standing on Molomberget.
There, to the left, you’ll see a wooden tower just beyond a water filled quarry. To the right there is a flat stone slab from which Alf has, over many years, gotten his travelling friends to do an important ritual; somersaults. Somersault towards the sea with a quick raising of your arms towards the sky with a happy cheer for the sky and sea. Unfortunately, the view has been overgrown but before you could stare out at the horizon over the sea. If you don’t want to somersault you can still do a skyward leap while you give out a little cheer to the sky. It’s very similar to an indian jump.
Molomberget – The Molom feeling – Whar is it?
Here below you can listen to Alf Hambe’s story about Molomberget.
After somersaulting and jumping take a moment to catch your breathe and listen to Alice Babs English interpretation of Visa i Molom!
Go back down the same paths you arrived on and when you’ve returned to Klippkullevägen turn to your right. Continue on for about 250 meters and then turn left on Gamla vägen. After 150 meters turn right again on Bryggstigen and you’ll spot Steninge Coastal Station on your right side. The journey is almost over, perhaps it’s time for a fika?
Here is Alf’s story about sky-jumps and a little more…
In conclusion, Dikte Strandkväde read by Alf and a conversation about transparent, seagulls and other lurifaxig from Alfs poetry. Alf also mentions additional places and beings that are central to his poetry world.